Category: Jobseekers

5 Cover Letter Mistakes That Are Costing You The Job

Hitting the sweet spot with your cover letter can be a difficult task, and here are 5 phrases you may be using that are costing you the job

/ November 6, 2015

How to Build Your Personal Brand

What makes you stand out from other candidates when it comes to a role you’re applying for?

/ October 29, 2015

5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Hearing Back From Recruiters

Here are our top 5 reasons why you may be getting the cold shoulder

/ October 23, 2015

14 Quotes To Inspire Your Job Search

These quotes from famous individuals may be just what you need to inspire, motivate, and reinvigorate you in your job search

/ October 14, 2015

How To Use LinkedIn, Facebook, & Twitter To Find A Job

The rise of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn has had a major effect on how companies conduct their hiring process.

/ September 23, 2015

How To Write A Cover Letter: Cover Letter Tips

Gone are the days where sending off your CV would be enough to get you in for an interview, with hiring managers seeing so many applications, you need to make...

/ September 18, 2015

6 Steps To Becoming a LinkedIn All-Star

Social media is ingrained into our daily lives, whether we like it or not (no pun intended), and LinkedIn, as the professional social media of choice for companies and individuals,...

/ September 8, 2015

5 Questions You Should Never Ask During An Interview

Here is a list of 5 questions you should never ask your interviewer

/ August 10, 2015

6 Steps To A Successful Job Search

Looking for a new job can be time consuming, difficult, stressful, and demoralising. However, if you create a plan for your job search, develop a strategy, and correctly utilise your...

/ August 7, 2015

How To Get An Interview With Leading Tech Companies

How can you catch the eye of major tech companies in such an overcrowded marketplace?

/ July 15, 2015